Customers Questions

Some of the Questions we have been asked over the years from various Customers.

Why are you often closed to New Customers?

We are a small UGL in the UK.  We have had options to expand the business in the past, but at a cost of losing some values that are very important to us. We are not a UGL driven by greed, but driven by a love for what we do and who we help. We believe we value our customers more than any other UGL on the scene and this can be verified by speaking with any Dunning Customer.

Why are you so expensive?

We have heard this a few times now, and we disagree. Having looked around at the average prices on the UGL scene, i would say we were only slightly more expensive than some. Our UGL is smaller than most, and we never take shortcuts like many others do!  Every stage is meticulous.  Our lab results show ZERO contaminants because metal removal is as important to us as the ultra fine filtration. These steps alone are slow and skipped by almost all UGLs with high production demands.  I think, as a UGL , we are getting closer to Pharma grade than any other UGL on the market, and price may reflect that.

Do you use a MAG Stirrer?

Absolutely!  It is simply horrifying to know how many UGLs are not removing dangerous metals from the product. Over time, those metals will build within your body and eventually start to cause issues.  I am aware of many UGLs not using the correct filtration system and putting contaminated vials onto the market. Vials full of metal or bacteria or both. You may be getting a cheaper price using other UGL’s  but at the expense of health.

Do you send to EU?

No. We are UK to UK only.

How fast is dispatch and delivery? 

Order early enough and it will go the same day, pay for Special and it will arrive the following day.
Example :-   Submit and pay for Order o n MONDAY 8:00am – Order will be with you before 1pm the following day on the TUESDAY.

Why do you use capsules?  i prefer tablets so that i can cut them in half and control my dosage.

We have always favoured capsules for many years but this question has now been asked far too many times for us to ignore and not take action. Therefor, we are now starting the transition from capsules to tablets and expect to go into the new year 2025 with tablets.